Men's Fashion Group Florence

Men's Fashion Group FlorenceMen’s Fashion Group Florence owns the following brands: Italian men's suits MABRO, M52 and MABRO Donna.

Services: Fashion Associations
Company type: Service provider

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Is the crisis in small shops in Italy an unstoppable trend?
How to sell

Is the crisis in small shops in Italy an unstoppable trend?

In Italy in 5 years (between 2011 and 2016) 267,000 shops closed, on average 122 per day, according to website. The economic crisis has hit mostly small and medium-sized businesses.

Mabro made a glamorous return at Pitti Uomo
Lifestyle chronics

Mabro made a glamorous return at Pitti Uomo

Men's Fashion Group Florence and Richmart celebrated 60 years anniversary of the Italian men's suits brand MABRO at Pitti Immagine Uomo 92.

Pitti Uomo Firenze - the Spectacular composition of men’s elegance or the shortcut to the belief that the modern man is a Dandy
The dandy style

Pitti Uomo Firenze - the Spectacular composition of men’s elegance or the shortcut to the belief that the modern man is a Dandy

What is Pitti Uomo? A large and magnificent manifestation of men’s fashion exhibitionism without any holdbacks, blowing like a bottle of champagne and held in the historical center of Florence, Italy, where exhibitors carefully present their latest men’s collections. The latest men’s fashion trends are marked there, before the upcoming fashion events in Milan.

Italian men's suits brand MABRO celebrates 60 years anniversary at Pitti Immagine Uomo
Business news

Italian men's suits brand MABRO celebrates 60 years anniversary at Pitti Immagine Uomo

Men's Fashion Group Florence prepares a celebration of 60 years of the Italian men's suits brand MABRO at Pitti Immagine Uomo 92. Recently the most modern European factory for made-to-measure suits RICHMART has bought the main controlling share of Men’s Fashion Group Florence and the following brands: MABRO, M52 and MABRO Donna.